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Keep this in mind!

  • The default prefix of Reedroux is -. If you forget the prefix, mention Reedroux (@Reedroux).
  • Never include <> in your messages when using a command!
  • Time can be in different formats
    • Example: 100, 2m30s

Reedroux Playlists not working

  • Due to database problems, Reedroux is unable to offer playlists and playlist services are disabled


247Enable or disable the 24/7 mode.
announceTo configure the announcing of track start message.
botchannelSet the bot channel for listening to commands.
buttonmodeEnable or disable button mode.
cleanClean the my messages in the channel.
defaultvolumeSet the default volume for the server .
disablecommandsDisable commands for the server.
djSet the DJ role for the server.
fixvoiceFix the voice connection if the bot is not playing music.
forcejoinForce the bot to join the voice channel.
languagesSet the bot language for the server.
noprefixToggles the no prefix for the user or server.
prefixSet the prefix for the server
profileShow your profile or someone else's profile.
settingChange the server settings or get the server settings info.
setupSetup The Song Request Channel.
voteskipsettingConfigure the voteskip settings.


8dApply the 8D filter to the current playing song.
bassboostApply bassboost filter to the current playing song.
channelmixApply channelmix filter to the current playing song.
electronicApply electronic filter to the current playing song.
filtersGet a list of filters which can be applied to the current playing song.
jazzApply jazz filter to the current playing song.
karaokeApply karaoke filter to the current playing song.
lowpassApply lowpass filter to the current playing song.
nightcoreApply nightcore filter to the current playing song.
pitchApply pitch filter to the current playing song.
popApply pop filter to the current playing song.
radioApply radio filter to the current playing song.
rockApply rock filter to the current playing song.
rotationApply rotation filter to the current playing song.
softApply soft filter to the current playing song.
speedApply speed filter to the current playing song.
treblebassApply treblebass filter to the current playing song.
tremoloApply tremolo filter to the current playing song.
vaporwaveApply vaporwave filter to the current playing song.
vibratoApply vibrato filter to the current playing song.


helpShows a list of commands or info about a specific command
inviteInvite the bot to your server.
pingShows the bot latency.
playerShows the player status.
premiumShows the user or guild premium status.
redeemRedeem a premium code.
statsShows the bot stats.
supportSupport server link
voteBot vote link


autoplayEnable or disable autoplay mode.
clearClear the queue or filters from the player.
forceskipForce skip the current song.
forwardForward the current song.
grabGrab the current song.
joinSummon the bot to your voice channel.
leaveLeave the voice channel.
leavecleanupRemoves all songs from users that are not in the voice channel.
loopLoop the current song or queue.
lyricsShows the lyrics of the current song or a song name.
moveMove a song to a specific position in the queue.
nowplayingShows the current playing song.
pausePause the current song.
playplay a song from spotify, soundcloud, deezer, etc...
playpreviousPlay the previous song.
playradioPlay a radio station.
queueShows the queue for the current server.
removeTo remove a song from the queue.
replayReplay the current song.
resumeResume the current song
rewindRewind the current song.
searchsearch a song from spotify, soundcloud or deezer
seekSeeks to a given time in the current song.
shuffleShuffle the queue.
skipSkip the current song.
skiptoSkip to a specific song in the queue.
stopStop the player and clear the queue.
topsongsShows the top songs played by the bot.
volumeChange the volume of the player.
voteskipVote to skip the current song.


addAdd a song to a playlist.
addnowplayingAdd the current song to a playlist.
addqueueAdd a playlist to the queue.
createCreate a playlist.
deleteDelete a playlist.
dupesRemove all duplicate songs from a playlist.
editEdit a playlist.
importImport a playlist from playlist id.
listList all your playlists.
loadLoad a playlist to the queue.
pl-removeRemove a song from a playlist.
viewView a playlist.